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What is child identity theft?

Child identity theft happens when someone takes a child’s sensitive personal information and uses it to get services or benefits, or to commit fraud. They might use your child’s Social Security number, name and address, or date of birth. They could use the stolen information to Here’s what you can do to protect your child from identity theft.

Can a child's identity be stolen?

Worried about protecting your identity? You should know your child's identity could be stolen too. Child identity theft occurs when a child's identity is compromised by fraudsters. And just like normal identity theft, once a fraudster gets their hands on a piece of personal information, the damage they can do can take years to recover from.

Can identity theft happen to my child?

You might not think identity theft could happen to your child, but the sad truth is that it can. Criminals will stop at nothing to steal your child’s identity and take out credit or benefits in their name. The best thing you can do to protect your child now and in the future is secure their identity from scammers.

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